Why Concrete Is the Go-To Building Material

What is concrete made of and what makes it the go-to building material? A mixture of coarse liquid and cement. Concrete pouring in a construction site.

Styles in architecture differ around the world. Certain shapes complement certain structures, and many historical buildings still stand after a millennium. The builders deservedly should get a lot of credit for their craftsmanship, but there is one common factor that many of these buildings have: concrete.

So, what is concrete made of and why have we used it for eons?

Concrete is made by combining a coarse aggregate with a fluid cement, which binds. The Romans used a variety of materials in their concrete, with common aggregates being pieces of rock, ceramic tile, and brick rubble from demolished buildings. Binders used included gypsum and quicklime, but the Romans could utilize volcanic dusts that helped make the concrete more resistant to salt water.

Today, concrete is largely made from cement, and cement is made from limestone. One of the most abundant minerals on Earth is limestone, and that allows a lot of cement to be processed day after day. The ease of creation contributes to the ease of use in building, making concrete an accessible material.

Concrete can withstand nearly all weather events, including high winds and heavy storms. It is highly resistant to erosion, and will last much longer than other materials that could crumble with relative ease. Areas that are prone to severe weather, such as hurricanes, floods and tornadoes, all choose concrete for its ability to remain intact.

The elements are one thing. Then there’s fire. So many buildings, both commercial and residential, take advantage of this very important safety feature — concrete can withstand thousands of degrees of direct fire contact.

These features make it the global, go-to building material.

Combining a couple of these features can lead you to yet another. As concrete is so easy to produce, and is so often used, it keeps the economy flowing. More and more construction jobs are created each year, and those positions need to be filled as the demand keeps growing. So much concrete is also produced in local regions, and that creates more stability and job security for the area’s residents.

It is nearly impossible for concrete to go to waste. The ability to reuse and recycle concrete allows it to continue to be the building material of choice in a wide swath of projects. When concrete is recycled, it starts by being crushed into smaller pieces so the new concrete can then be used in roads, pavements or driveways.

Despite how durable concrete is, that doesn’t mean it is infallible. Repairs may be in order to help strengthen the building, and to allow it to stand for years to come. To get a repair quote, call DC Byers Company/Grand Rapids today at (616) 538-7300. Our experience and expertise allow us to assess the damage correctly and plan how to perform the repairs to allow you to use your space properly.

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