How to Tell if Stone Wall Is Load Bearing before Restoration

How to Tell if Stone Wall Is Load Bearing before Restoration. A stone wall in a warehouse district building.

Homeowners often get carried away by the thought of a house change or remodeling an old one, so much so that they want the changes made quickly. Often without taking the time to consider all aspects of renovating a house.  A house remodel with stone walls is always an adventure and a challenge, but like […]

How to Tell if Brick Is Sealed

Check if your brick building is sealed with steps provided by DC Byers Grand Rapids

Brick paving is a popular choice for many homeowners because of its classic look and durability. However, one common source of confusion is how to tell if the bricks are sealed. Sealing is an important part of maintaining brick pavers, as it protects them from staining and weather damage. Fortunately, you can do a few […]

Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) in Grand Rapids

An up close image of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)

Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) is probably something you have heard of if you are interested in polymers, plastics, or composites. But what is it exactly? And why does it matter? This chapter examines the basics of FRP and how it works. It also discusses some of its uses and qualities, like how it can build […]

Post-Tension Concrete Repair in Grand Rapids

Post tension concrete repair must first break through the concrete to see the nature of the tension cables underneath.

Have you ever wondered why that big chunk of concrete fell out of your ceiling and landed on your head? No? Maybe it’s just me, then. But seriously, if you found yourself when you’re standing in a huge puddle of water in your living room, with a giant hole in your ceiling, and concrete debris […]

What You Should Know about Concrete Crack Injection

West michigan concrete crack injection can help save blistering wounds in foundations and ceilings.

The severity of cracking in concrete varies. It can be caused by loads or the way the volume of the concrete changes as it dries, expands, and contracts with heat. Concrete cracks resulting from poor design or construction raise concerns about the structure’s load-carrying capability and safety. Concrete crack injection refers to resin injections created […]

How to Restore Brick Exterior on Commercial Property

Restoring brick exterior on commercial property takes precision, as even the sturdiest of materials aren't immune from the elements.

Many people believe that a brick building requires little or no maintenance to keep it safe from natural hazards. But this is not the case. Over time, brick buildings deteriorate, allowing moisture and water to seep into the joints, windows, and walls, resulting in expensive property damage inside and outside the home, particularly if the […]

Epoxy vs Paint Concrete: Which Is Better?

Epoxy vs paint concrete applies to the surface look of projects. In this case, yellow paint is rolled on a concrete surface.

You’re standing in front of your garage, looking at the concrete floor and debating whether to use epoxy or paint. Epoxy paint is a latex acrylic solution with a small quantity of epoxy in the mix initially created for industrial use and used for flooring applications. Epoxy and paint have their benefits, but deciding which […]

Chimney Masonry Repair

Chimney repair masonry aids is muc more than aesthetics. A properly functioning chimney drastically improves indoor air quality.

One building aesthetic that can truly stack up against beautiful masonry features is the chimney. The chimney is an essential part of a fireplace because it works by removing byproduct gasses like carbon monoxide. A properly working chimney not only helps keep your space warmer, but helps keep you safer. So when the masonry on […]

Concrete Step Repair & Restoration

Concrete step repair is often overlooked despite being one of the most trafficed parts of a building space.

Damaged concrete can cause lots of trouble when walkways are exposed to heavy foot traffic. Concrete steps will also wear down after a while, and the danger that damaged concrete steps create puts many people at risk of injury. Proper maintenance and care can prevent concrete from becoming damaged, but sometimes corners and edges will […]

Concrete Restoration and its Improvement on Insulation

Concrete insulation is an important step in the restoration process. A leveler sits on a divider as insulation bricks pad a concrete wall.

There are many essential reasons to have the concrete on your building repaired. At the top of that list is maintaining the structural integrity of the foundation. Concrete restoration repairs the old and damaged concrete, helping the building return to its original appearance. But another added benefit to concrete restoration is ensuring that insulation is […]